

PortCatcher, a scalable and dynamic ACL system for AI-assisted router is accepted in ACM CCS 2022!
Written by 관리자 Views 843

I am pleased to share that our paper “A Scalable and Dynamic ACL System for In-Network Defense” (named PortCatcher) is accepted in CCS 2022! A big achievement of our research group. Summary by David: This work addresses the scalability of dynamic ACL systems through an elegant combination of algorithmic optimization and new architectural design that […]


A paper on adversarial attack against IoT malware detectors is accepted in RAID 2022!
Written by 관리자 Views 551

I am pleased to announce that our paper “Systematically Evaluating the Robustness of ML-based IoT Malware Detection Systems” authored by A. Abusnaina, A. Anwar, S. Alshamrani, A. Alabduljabbar, R. Jang, D. Nyang, D. Mohaisen is accepted (just passed the shepherding) in the 25th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2022). This […]


White Blood Cell classification/generation paper is published in BMC Medical Imaging.
Written by 관리자 Views 741

Our paper titled “WBC image classification and generative models based on convolutional neural network” is published in BMC Medical Imaging journal.This paper deals with the white blood cell classification and the synthesis of the images. Our AI model based on the simple CNN, called W-Net outperforms the famous AlexNet, VGGNet, and ResNet50/18 by far in […]


Spread Counter is accepted at IEEE/IFIP DSN!
Written by 관리자 Views 1028

“Minimizing Noise in HyperLogLog-Based Spread Estimation of Multiple Flows” Congratulations to all of the authors, Nguyen, Jiyoo, Changhun, David! Our paper on estimating the spreads of multiple flows is accepted at the 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks(acceptance ratio=49/262). We proposed RRSE (Rank Recovery-based Spread Estimator), an algorithm on counting multiple […]


프로그래밍 인턴 모집 공고 (Python, Swift, Kotlin)
Written by 관리자 Views 1468

정보보호 연구실에서 프로그래밍 인턴(아르바이트) 학생을 모집합니다. 모집 인원: 서버(Python) 1명, 아이폰(Swift) 앱 1명, 안드로이드(Kotlin) 앱 1명 개발 기간: 10월부터 급여: 100만원/월 포트폴리오, 자기소개서와 함께 mizno.isrl@gmail.com로 메일 보내주세요.


SSD-Insider is on the media!
Written by 관리자 Views 961 SSD-Insider (IEEE Trans on Computers) is on “The Register”, UK-based tech magazine! You can take a look at the article titled “Boffins unveil SSD-Insider++, promise ransomware detection and recovery right in your storage” by Gareth Halfacree (Thank you Gareth!). Also, it is quite fun to read the readers’ comments in the article. Also, ZDNet […]


BlockTrail is accepted at IEEE Systems Journal.
Written by 관리자 Views 1146

“BlockTrail: A Service for Secure and Transparent Blockchain-Driven Audit Trails” by Ashar Ahmad, Muhammad Saad, Mohammed Al Ghamdi, DaeHun Nyang, David Mohaisen is accepted in IEEE Systems Journal. Congratulations to all! In this paper, we introduce BlockTrail, a novel blockchain architecture that is prototyped on the PBFT protocol with a custom-built blockchain. BlockTrail is secure […]


Robust malware classification paper is accepted in IEEE TDSC.
Written by 관리자 Views 1279

“DL-FHMC: Deep Learning-based Fine-grained Hierarchical Learning Approach for Robust Malware Classification” by Ahmed Abusnaina, Mohammed Abuhamad, Hisham Alasmary, Afsah Anwar, Rhongho Jang, Saeed Salem, DaeHun Nyang, David Mohaisen is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. This paper deals with ML-based approach to robust malware classification under the existence of adversarial […]


ShellCore is accepted in IEEE IoT Journal.
Written by 관리자 Views 1311

A good news. “SHELLCORE: Automating Malicious IoT Software Detection by Using Shell Commands Representation” is accepted for publication in IEEE IoT Journal. This is the joint work with Hisham Alasmary, Afsah Anwar, Ahmed Abusnaina, Abdulrahman Alabduljabbar, Mohammed Abuhamad, An Wang, DaeHun Nyang, Amro Awad, and David Mohaisen. This paper investigates shell commands abused by adversaries […]


A paper on IoT authentication tool is accepted in COSE!
Written by 관리자 Views 945

“A Network-independent Tool-based Usable Authentication System for Internet of Things Devices” by Changhun, Jinchun, Rhongho, David and me is now accepted by Computers and Security. I am very pleased to see this paper has been published. This paper is about IoT authentication by a special hardware tool that makes authentication easy and fun as well […]