

In-network Serverless Data Collection paper is accepted at USENIX Security 2024!
Written by 관리자 Views 108

A paper titled “Enhancing Network Attack Detection with Distributed and In-Network Data Collection System” is accepted at USENIX Security 2024. This paper explores a new possibility of distributed feature measurement framework in the era of AI using data plane programmability. The idea is to prioritize large flows over super mice to measure immediately in the […]


[Funding] Basic Research Lab. (BRL)
Written by 관리자 Views 405

Now, we are BRL (Basic Research Lab) together with Prof. Dongbo Min and Prof. Se Eun Oh. Title: Research on SPV(Security/Privacy/Visual) Firewall for Connected Autonomous Vehicle Period: 2023.6-2026.2 Budget: 1.375 billion KRW Aim: In recent years, the amount of data exchanged between automobiles and external networks has increased exponentially due to big data, deep learning, […]


Sian gave a talk about Count-Less in NDSS 2023, San Diego, CA.
Written by 관리자 Views 516

NDSS 2023 (27 of Feb – 3 of March, 2023) was held at Catamaran hotel in San Diego, CA. We (Sian, Jiyoo, and me) attended the conference. The welcoming board stood in the hotel lobby. Lunch in the Mission beach with Jiyoo, me, Heekuk Oh (Hanyang Erica), SungHyun Cho (Hanyang Erica), Suel Son (KAIST). JaeJong […]


[Funding] NRF-Mid-Career Researcher Program
Written by 관리자 Views 441

  Funding source: National Research Foundation Program: Mid-Career Researcher Program Type 1-2 Period: 2023.3.1-2028.2.29 Budget: One billion KRW for five years Research statement: From a network security perspective, one of the most important recent trends is “In-Network Defense”. In addition to endpoint security and perimeter security, which have been the focus to date, there is […]


Jinchun is joining ETRI!
Written by 관리자 Views 587

Me, Jiyoo, Jinchun at a restaurant in UCF, Orlando, FL, Feb. 7th, 2018 (I visited UCF for GRL workshop) I am delighted to share this good news. Jinchun is going to join ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) in January 2023. Big congratulations to Jinchun! He was one of my PhD students at Inha and […]


Sian gave a talk on PortCatcher in CCS 2022, LA.
Written by 관리자 Views 609

Sian gave a talk on PortCatcher in CCS 2022 in LA, US on the 10th of November, 2022. A photo of the room “Museum A”. Sian is on the podium, and I was taking a photo of her (Left). Rhongho, David, and me at a hotel lobby (Photographer was JeongHye.) It’s been quite a long […]


Open positions: Undergrad Interns, MS students, PhD students
Written by yonci Views 930

이화여대 정보보호연구실에서는 학부생 인턴, 석사, 박사, 석박사 통합과정 학생들을 모집하고 있습니다. AI/딥러닝 기반 보안, 네트워크/시스템 보안, 블록체인 등에 관심있는 학생들은로 연락바랍니다. (혹은 연구실 랩장 김시안 에게 연락 주세요) We always welcome students who are interested in research on AI/Deep-Learning-based security and network/system security. If you are interested in joining our lab to continue […]


Count-Less, a new data sketch for robust measurement in data plane is accepted in NDSS 2023!
Written by 관리자 Views 892

Another big news. Our paper titled “A Robust Counting Sketch for Data Plane Intrusion Detection”, proposing Count-Less, is accepted in NDSS 2023! This paper is part of the series of works that our group has been pursuing on data sketch for traffic measurement and security applications. Count-Less is a major variation of the famous Count-Min […]


Director Yang@Hyundai Motor Company gave a talk on vehicular security.
Written by 관리자 Views 610

Kichang Yang at Hyundai motor company gave a talk on vehicular security in cyber security department’s weekly colloquium at Ewha. His talk showed many interesting vehicular security issues as well as what to do to become a vehicular security engineer. It must be very helpful to young students as a career guidance. He has been […]


Changhun is joining R&D center of Hyundai Motor Company.
Written by 관리자 Views 579

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Changhun Jung starts his career as a researcher at R&D center of Hyundai Motor Company. He obtained M.S. and PhD degree in 2017 and 2022, respectively in my lab. His main research interests are authentication, network security, data plane security, AI-based attack detection, data structure and algorithm for […]