[Funding] Basic Research Lab. (BRL)

2023.06.28 Written by 관리자 Views 517

Now, we are BRL (Basic Research Lab) together with Prof. Dongbo Min and Prof. Se Eun Oh.

  • Title: Research on SPV(Security/Privacy/Visual) Firewall for Connected Autonomous Vehicle
  • Period: 2023.6-2026.2
  • Budget: 1.375 billion KRW
  • Aim: In recent years, the amount of data exchanged between automobiles and external networks has increased exponentially due to big data, deep learning, and connectivity to various network services such as IoT and cloud. Therefore, attacks on the network can have a significant impact on the security and privacy of the car, and in response, academia and industry are focusing on automotive security. In addition, artificial intelligence attacks on autonomous driving technology, which is a major trend in automobiles, are also emerging, but there is still no research on autonomous driving technology that detects hostile attacks in real time. Therefore, research on network security, privacy protection, and visual attack prevention firewalls for autonomous vehicles that can quickly detect and defend against attacks in real time while the vehicle is in operation is very important.