Mohammed Abuhamad joins Loyola University Chicago!

2020.03.25 Written by 관리자 Views 863

Update (2020.9.12): Dr. Abuhamad (Now, Prof. Abuhamad) started his career as an assistant professor at Dept of Computer Science of Loyola University Chicago. The photo is from Prof. Abuhamad, and the profile is from the dept’s website.

I am pleased to announce that Mohammed Abuhamad, one of my excellent students is going to join Computer Science Department of Loyola University Chicago this fall semester. He signed the final offer today from Loyola and completed the contract. Loyola is ranked #104 by USNews.

He joined my group in September 2016 as a PhD student, and started a dual degree program under the supervision of David Mohaisen at UCF in 2018 Fall. During his PhD study, he published actively lots of works on security research taking advantage of his comprehensive knowledge on AI and machine learning. One of his works is the 2018 ACM CCS paper entitled “Large-Scale and Language-Oblivious Code Authorship Identification“, and other than that, he is publishing our work at Privacy Enhancing Technology (just accepted), IEEE ICDCS, IEEE IoT Journal, Future Generation Computer Systems. He is graduating this semester and he is going to start a new career as an assistant professor at Loyola. I am very proud of him together with David Mohaisen who is another advisor of Mohammed supporting him at UCF.

Congratulations to Mohammed!