

Minister of Science and ICT Award for Best Researchers
Written by 관리자 Views 1142

 Me, waiting for the award in NetSec-KR 2021 after keynote speech. The vice-minister of science and ICT and me are pausing for photo taking.   The commendation certificate. I was the awardee of Minister of Science and ICT’s commendation for best researchers.  The awarding ceremony was held in NetSec-KR 2021 at COEX today. I would […]


A Paper On Blockchain’s Consensus Algorithms’ Performance
Written by 관리자 Views 953

“Empirically Comparing the Performance of Blockchain’s Consensus Algorithms” by Ashar Ahmad, Abdulrahman Alabduljabbar, Muhammad Saad, Joongheon Kim, DaeHun Nyang, David Mohaisen is accepted by IET Blockchain. Congratulations!


Yet another deep learning-based Authorship paper is now accepted by ACM TOPS!
Written by 관리자 Views 8774

“Large-Scale and Robust Code Authorship Identification with Deep Feature Learning” by Mohammed Abuhamad (Loyola University Chicago), Tamer Abuhmed (Sungkyunkwan University), David Mohaisen (University of Central Florida), and DaeHun Nyang (Ewha Womans University) is accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security today. This paper is substantially extended from our previous work in ACM […]


An alphabet entry method for smartwatch is now accepted in TMC!
Written by 관리자 Views 830

Congratulations to Jiyoo, Changhun, Kyunghee, and David! Our paper on alphabet entry method for smartwatch is accepted for publication in TMC, of which title is “A One-Page Text Entry Method Optimized for Rectangle Smartwatches” by RhongHo Jang, Changhun Jung, David Mohaisen, Kyunghee Lee, DaeHun Nyang. Hope that this work helps to make it easier to […]


Happy new year!
Written by 관리자 Views 884

  Last year was awesome. Our group had published successfully fair amount of papers in top venues like INFOCOM, ICDCS, PETS, IEEE IoT Journal, IEEE TC, etc. Still we are working on many exciting topics on streaming algorithms on a programmable router, AI attack, AI-powered network security, and more. The progress is rather slow, but […]


e-Pos a new consensus algorithm for blockchain is accepted in IEEE TPDS!
Written by 관리자 Views 555

A paper entitled “e-PoS: Making Proof-of-Stake Decentralized and Fair” is now accepted in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems written by Muhammad Saad, Zhan Qin, Kui Ren, DaeHun Nyang, and David Mohaisen. e-PoS is a modular version of PoS-based blockchain systems that resists the centralization of network resources by extending mining opportunities to a […]


Our paper is accepted in IEEE CIC 2020.
Written by 관리자 Views 495

Our paper titled “From Blue-Sky to Practical Adversarial Learning” is accepted in The 6th IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing. The paper is authored by Aminollah Khormali, Ahmed Abusnaina, Songqing Chen, Daehun Nyang and David Mohaisen. This is a paper on adversarial example generation for binary code using visualization techniques. Unlike the previous […]


A survey paper on behavioral biometrics was accepted in IEEE IoTJ.
Written by 관리자 Views 544

“Sensor-based Continuous Authentication of Smartphones’ Users Using Behavioral Biometrics: A Contemporary Survey” by Mohammed Abuhamad, Ahmed Abusnaina, DaeHun Nyang, David Mohaisen was accepted today for publication in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Congratulations to all!


SSDInsider++ is accepted in IEEE Trans. on Computers!
Written by 관리자 Views 499

Our paper titled “SSD-assisted Ransomware Detection and Data Recovery Techniques” is accepted in IEEE Trans. on Computers. This paper is about detecting ransomware as well as recovering encrypted files in FTL of SSD. Congrats to Sungha, Youngdon, David, Sungjin!