I am very proud to announce that this year two papers were accepted to INFOCOM 2020 in Beijing!


SketchFlow: Per-Flow Systematic Sampling Using Sketch Saturation Event

Congrats to Jiyoo, DaeHong, and SeongKwang!

DFD: Adversarial Learning-based Approach to Defend Against Website Fingerprinting

Congrats to Jiyoo, Ahmed, and Amin!

Our research group led by Prof. Mohaisen and me has been working very hard to push further the limit of our group, and as a result we’ve got great results this year. I am very proud of my students: Jiyoo Jang, Ahmed Abusnaina. More details on the papers are coming soon.


I attended IEEE DSC 2019 in Hangzhou with Aziz.

We’ve got a best paper award (runnerup) in the conference.

Changhoon gave a talk on our paper “W-Net: A CNN-based Architecture for White Blood Cells Image Classification” in AAAI-FSS for Social Goods 2019 at Arlington, VA, USA.

랜섬웨어 조기 탐지 과제, GVM 2019 참가, (주)심플한, 인하대학교


이번학기에 박사 졸업 예정인 장지유, 백성하 연구원입니다.

졸업생 이상호 연구원의 인하대 방문

랜섬웨어 조기 탐지 과제. 2019-2차 현장검증단 미팅.

한양대학교 ERICA 이연준 교수님 세미나.

‘Understanding iOS based Crowdturfing Through Hidden UI Analysis’ 논문을 발표해주셨습니다.

ESPRE 2019 Keynote Speech by DaeHun Nyang

I cannot be in Jeju owing to the typhoon Tapha, but I gave a talk remotely via YouTube.

ESPRE 2019 Keynote Speech by DaeHun Nyang

My GRL group (led by Nyang and Mohaisen) got acceptance of two papers in IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing 2019. Congrats to Jinchun, Ahmed, Afsah, and Amin. The work is jointed with collaborators from University of Central Florida, George Mason University, and Case Western Reserve University.

  1. Honor Among Thieves: Towards Understanding the Dynamics and Interdependencies in IoT Botnets,” Jinchun Choi, Ahmed Abusnaina, Afsah Anwar, An Wang, Songqing Chen, Daehun Nyang, Aziz Mohaisen, in IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing, November 2019. (IEEE DSC 2019)
  2. Examining the Robustness of Learning-Based DDoS Detection in Software Defined Networks,” Ahmed Abusnaina, Aminollah Khormali, DaeHun Nyang, Murat Yuksel, Aziz Mohaisen, in IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing, November 2019. (IEEE DSC 2019)