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NDSS 2023 (27 of Feb – 3 of March, 2023) was held at Catamaran hotel in San Diego, CA.

San Diego international airport T2

NDSS welcoming board

We (Sian, Jiyoo, and me) attended the conference. The welcoming board stood in the hotel lobby.

Lunch in the Mission beach with Jiyoo, me, Heekuk Oh (Hanyang Erica), SungHyun Cho (Hanyang Erica), Suel Son (KAIST).

JaeJong invited us a dinner in a sushi restaurant (Mizu). Unlike the name, the restaurant serves various Korean cuisine, which was very good. Thank you JaeJong!

Sian is giving a talk on Count-Less (A robust counting sketch for data plane intrusion detection).

After the talk, three of us took a walk to the Pacific beach pier.

We had a dinner in a ramen restaurant nearby, and I took a photo of sunset.

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Me, Jiyoo, Jinchun at a restaurant in UCF, Orlando, FL, Feb. 7th, 2018 (I visited UCF for GRL workshop)

I am delighted to share this good news. Jinchun is going to join ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) in January 2023. Big congratulations to Jinchun!

He was one of my PhD students at Inha and also was co-advised by David@UCF starting in 2018. He obtained PhD degree (CS) in 2020, and then he worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Texas A&M University-Kingsville, TX, USA ( 2020 – 2022 ). His main research theme is block chain, IoT security, malware analysis, and Cyber-Physical System security. He is a hard-working researcher and successfully published 21 papers in top journals and conferences including Computer Networks, IEEE transactions on network and service management, IEEE IoT journal, IEEE Systems Journal, etc. Now, he is going to start another stage in his career in DaeJeon. I believe that he is gonna be good and successful as a researcher.

Congrats again Jinchun!

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Sian gave a talk on PortCatcher in CCS 2022 in LA, US on the 10th of November, 2022.

A photo of the room “Museum A”. Sian is on the podium, and I was taking a photo of her (Left).

Rhongho, David, and me at a hotel lobby (Photographer was JeongHye.) It’s been quite a long time to gather together.

Sian, Juhee, JeongHye, and me in the banquet

Angels flight railway was just by our hotel. A scene from LaLa Land was filmed here.

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Kichang Yang at Hyundai motor company gave a talk on vehicular security in cyber security department’s weekly colloquium at Ewha. His talk showed many interesting vehicular security issues as well as what to do to become a vehicular security engineer. It must be very helpful to young students as a career guidance. He has been leading a security group as a director of security division in HMC since 2016. His group is working on all aspects of vehicular security like hacking, reproducing reported vulnerabilities, regulations, and what not. We got to understand what are the issues in vehicular security, career path, and even how to do a good interview.

Every week, we will have an invited talk about various issues in security!

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I am pleased to announce that Dr. Changhun Jung starts his career as a researcher at R&D center of Hyundai Motor Company.

He obtained M.S. and PhD degree in 2017 and 2022, respectively in my lab. His main research interests are authentication, network security, data plane security, AI-based attack detection, data structure and algorithm for high performance switch architecture. During his study, he published eight papers in top venues such as ICASSP (2018), AAAI AI for Social Good (2019), Computers and Security (2021), BMC Medical Imaging (2022), IEEE/IFIP DSN (2022), IEEE TMC (to appear), ACM CCS (2022), and NDSS (2023). He is one of the most earnest students in pursuing research goals I have ever seen, and I was able to get through a lot of difficulties we met during our research work owing to his earnest endeavors. Even though he is leaving us, we are going to collaborate on further research works.

Congratulations again to Changhun!

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SSD-Insider (IEEE Trans on Computers) is on “The Register”, UK-based tech magazine!

You can take a look at the article titled “Boffins unveil SSD-Insider++, promise ransomware detection and recovery right in your storage” by Gareth Halfacree (Thank you Gareth!). Also, it is quite fun to read the readers’ comments in the article.

Also, ZDNet Korea interviewed me to introduce SSD-Insider, which can be found at



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 Me, waiting for the award in NetSec-KR 2021 after keynote speech.

The vice-minister of science and ICT and me are pausing for photo taking.


The commendation certificate.

I was the awardee of Minister of Science and ICT’s commendation for best researchers.  The awarding ceremony was held in NetSec-KR 2021 at COEX today. I would like to share this honor with my colleagues and students, David, Jiyoo, Mohammed, Changhoon. Thank you for your support.


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Update (2020. 9.1): Dr. Jang (Now, Prof. Jang) started his career as an assistant professor at Dept of Computer Science of Wayne State University. The photo is from the dept’s website.

I am very pleased to announce that Dr. RhongHo Jang has got an offer for an assistant professor position from Department of Computer Science of Wayne State University in midtown Detroit, Michigan. He will be joining Wayne State University this Summer. This is another big news in our group following Dr. Mohammed’s joining in Loyola University Chicago and Dr. Tamer’s joining in SKKU in Korea. Rhongho started his research career as an MS student in my lab in September of 2013. He continued his study as a PhD in 2015 and also joined the dual degree program with University of Central Florida in Fall of 2018 under the co-supervision of Prof. David Mohaisen.

Dr. Jang’s main research area include network traffic measurement, sampling theory, network architecture, network/system/mobile security, and deep learning based security. During his PhD study, he published three INFOCOM papers, three ICDCS papers, and one in IEEE TMC. He got the PhD degree from Inha this Spring, and now he is graduating this coming Summer from UCF. He is now commencing a new career as a professor at Wayne State University, and he is expected to make more and better outcomes in the new environment in Michigan.

Sponsored by Global Research Lab Fund of Korea’s NRF, we are making and will be making records even in education as well as in research.



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Update (2020.9.12): Dr. Abuhamad (Now, Prof. Abuhamad) started his career as an assistant professor at Dept of Computer Science of Loyola University Chicago. The photo is from Prof. Abuhamad, and the profile is from the dept’s website.

I am pleased to announce that Mohammed Abuhamad, one of my excellent students is going to join Computer Science Department of Loyola University Chicago this fall semester. He signed the final offer today from Loyola and completed the contract. Loyola is ranked #104 by USNews.

He joined my group in September 2016 as a PhD student, and started a dual degree program under the supervision of David Mohaisen at UCF in 2018 Fall. During his PhD study, he published actively lots of works on security research taking advantage of his comprehensive knowledge on AI and machine learning. One of his works is the 2018 ACM CCS paper entitled “Large-Scale and Language-Oblivious Code Authorship Identification“, and other than that, he is publishing our work at Privacy Enhancing Technology (just accepted), IEEE ICDCS, IEEE IoT Journal, Future Generation Computer Systems. He is graduating this semester and he is going to start a new career as an assistant professor at Loyola. I am very proud of him together with David Mohaisen who is another advisor of Mohammed supporting him at UCF.

Congratulations to Mohammed!

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I attended IEEE DSC 2019 in Hangzhou with Aziz.

We’ve got a best paper award (runnerup) in the conference.

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Changhoon gave a talk on our paper “W-Net: A CNN-based Architecture for White Blood Cells Image Classification” in AAAI-FSS for Social Goods 2019 at Arlington, VA, USA.

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A paper titled “Enhancing Network Attack Detection with Distributed and In-Network Data Collection System” is accepted at USENIX Security 2024. This paper explores a new possibility of distributed feature measurement framework in the era of AI using data plane programmability. The idea is to prioritize large flows over super mice to measure immediately in the local switch while passing super mice over to the next hop switch. This approach resolves the resource scarcity issues to enhance both the flow coverage and the measurement integrity.

Congratulations to Mehdi, Ashwin, David, and especially RhongHo!

Now, we are BRL (Basic Research Lab) together with Prof. Dongbo Min and Prof. Se Eun Oh.

  • Title: Research on SPV(Security/Privacy/Visual) Firewall for Connected Autonomous Vehicle
  • Period: 2023.6-2026.2
  • Budget: 1.375 billion KRW
  • Aim: In recent years, the amount of data exchanged between automobiles and external networks has increased exponentially due to big data, deep learning, and connectivity to various network services such as IoT and cloud. Therefore, attacks on the network can have a significant impact on the security and privacy of the car, and in response, academia and industry are focusing on automotive security. In addition, artificial intelligence attacks on autonomous driving technology, which is a major trend in automobiles, are also emerging, but there is still no research on autonomous driving technology that detects hostile attacks in real time. Therefore, research on network security, privacy protection, and visual attack prevention firewalls for autonomous vehicles that can quickly detect and defend against attacks in real time while the vehicle is in operation is very important.



  • Funding source: National Research Foundation
  • Program: Mid-Career Researcher Program Type 1-2
  • Period: 2023.3.1-2028.2.29
  • Budget: One billion KRW for five years

Research statement: From a network security perspective, one of the most important recent trends is “In-Network Defense”. In addition to endpoint security and perimeter security, which have been the focus to date, there is a new trend of enabling security functions in the backbone network. Moving away from the current perspective that defines the role of the network as performing only routing functions, the network is being asked to perform more advanced functions from a security perspective, which essentially foreshadows the emergence of routers equipped with artificial intelligence models. Along with the rapid development of deep learning in most fields of IT and the growing importance of data analysis using AI/ML technologies, various attempts have been made to enable routers with AI models to analyze network traffic on a per-flow basis to perform security functions. However, performing AI models within the router without delaying the delivery of large numbers of high-speed packets is not feasible by current technologies. Therefore, it is our goal to develop a self-driving router that performs AI models in real time and autonomously performs security-related functions.

이화여대 정보보호연구실에서는 학부생 인턴, 석사, 박사, 석박사 통합과정 학생들을 모집하고 있습니다. AI/딥러닝 기반 보안, 네트워크/시스템 보안, 블록체인 등에 관심있는 학생들은 nyang@ewha.ac.kr로 연락바랍니다. (혹은 연구실 랩장 김시안 ksy60a@gmail.com 에게 연락 주세요)

We always welcome students who are interested in research on AI/Deep-Learning-based security and network/system security. If you are interested in joining our lab to continue study, don’t hesitate to contact me at nyang@ewha.ac.kr. (or you can contact Laboratory Manager: Sian Kim, ksy60a@gmail.com)

Another big news. Our paper titled “A Robust Counting Sketch for Data Plane Intrusion Detection”, proposing Count-Less, is accepted in NDSS 2023! This paper is part of the series of works that our group has been pursuing on data sketch for traffic measurement and security applications. Count-Less is a major variation of the famous Count-Min sketch, but is more robust in terms of measurement accuracy under a various traffic distributions, including attack traffic. The design of the sketch is lightweight enough to fit in the packet processing pipeline and sketch’s performance is shown to be superior to state-of-the-art algorithms, such as Elastic sketch and FCM by comprehensive experiments.


Congratulations to Sian, Changhun, Rhongho, David, and me!